established 7 August 2003


Run: 90

Date: 25 May 2005

Venue: Lorong Sesuai

Hares: Opener and Sophia

The run brought us from the top of Lor. Sesuai down the road towards old Jurong Road, turn right toward Hillview Ave. A false trail on the monsoon drain near the heavy vehicle park brought everyone to a deadend. Hashers were so helpless that Agar2 had to use her hp again to ask for direction from the hares. The trail brought us very quickly up the Hillview Terrace, with a lot of help from the hares, BB shouting "turn right lah1 behind the fence blah blah blah…" and two datoks who sat inside the Merc trying to hide from their fellow hashers. We went behind the drain and that is where adventure began. 20 minutes was spent inside this "virgin" forest going up and down slipping and sliding ourselves along. Eventually the trail brought us up to the Bukit Batok coming out of the forest from behind the stadium and downhill all the way home by the same way we ran out, down the hill. Only this time was all the way up to our runsite. We have 5 visitors from the JB Hash House Harriers who were here to secure a topless show for their celebration run. Anyway, they have got their girls when they arrived, otherwise our Thirsdae girls should be able to do just fine.

Dinner was at the Fei Xiong Restaurant. Plenty of liquor and beers. ON ON ON was at MWP.

Verdict: Good Run, "virgin" trail, good run site, excellent food.