established 7 August 2003


as usual we moved out from blk 33 to hindhere road , turn left and head toward the railway track and found our way to the famous bukit timah mole .we ru n up to the bicycle tawil and and the first t check was found , rather we run back down the bicyle toward the car park and the circle check was found and broken , pointed straight to the other part of the terrain . the trail led them up the hill where babe hutan ,.said that it is cover with leave and slippery .jenny/not enough / babe hutan is worried about snake and they walk slowly/carefully . Otherwise they would have come back less than 45 minute ,.the trail led them to a stream / tunnel and a durian plantation , but no one brought back any durian .Opener and why why , started about 630 pm and manage to catch with the slow runner. just imagine if they started at 6pm .anyway the couple came back last at around 8.30 +- pm. .thus delaying our circle .Firts runner back at about 52 minute , hundry bum together with ang mo chio bu. we have some good food /con bak which has put all our running exercise down the drain , but nevermind , afterall we aree a running club with food problems. we thank agar 2 and her contractor /consultant sayeting for the effort and give them a down down .We congratulate roll over for his 29th birhtday as mentioned by sayeting .

mad fish