Scribe: Forced Entry
Boob-a-lube was summoned to Bangkok to bring our Hungry Bump back. But we did not miss him because in his place was another rather interesting angmoh by the name of Virgin Captain from Florida (I was iced because he couldn’t resist my nice ass). He carries with him a “hash horn” for on-on. Babi, the hare was not around to start the run as he was out re-setting the return leg. Both his assistants, Numb Balls & Stumble Bump, also left 15 mins earlier before the run to relay the start trail. The run started from JTC Recreation Centre with Captain and Regu leading the pack. All of us were expecting a road run as where can you find good terrain in Jurong Town Hall Road, but we were proofed wrong. Much to everyone’s amazement, there was streams and forest (now we all know Babi’s favorite hide-out). The trail saw us running through the Chinese Garden and the Tang Dynasty - The Lost World, as we were lost in there for a good 10 mins. It was Big Bin and Double Back who later found the continuation trail. Apparently the hare did not bring enough flour and paper, so instead replaced with red and white plastic tape which is not environmentally friendly, so say Opener. For a person who is always so generous with his giving his best (except his words) how can he be short of marking materials???? Don’t really know what happened during the run, but rumor has it that Numb Balls lost sight of his better half and was pleading for info of her whereabouts. With the lack of marking material and darkening of the sky, False Alarm tripped and fell, with badly bruised toe nails. But he still persevered right into the night (guess with who?) The three guests were rather enthusiastic about the circle and spoke freely. Hope to see them again next week. Nurse Fucker iced Wye Wye and Forced Entry for running on the highway which is dangerous and the reason for increased insurance premium. Will try not to do it again as we understand it as a traffic offence. The hare coupled with his birthday celeb, presented us with a beautiful mango cake and a sumptuous Japanese bento meal. The hashers were also treated to toilet facilities for shower – Babi’s standard. It was a hash-shit run, with the first runner (DE) in at about 7.25pm (this is what you get when it’s a 9km run and with no Boob-a-lube around, so we still miss him after all). ST was ever ready and happy to give away the hash-shit jacket for he has been holding on for the last three weeks. Though crowned a hash-shit, everyone enjoyed the long run, new terrain, food and shower.